Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB)
Journal, Therapeutic, Biotechnolgy, JTB, Biologics, industry, New Drug development
Call for editors, authors and sponsors...
Call for articles and reviews...
Call for page layout, logo, Chem Bio Draw, artistic, photographic and technical help...
Call for suggestions/improvem ents...
Start date Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB) Q2, 2010?
Table des matières
- Introduction
- Commercial Use:
- The name, current and future logo and content of Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB) is protected worldwide under US Copyright Law, Bern...
- Sponsors, donation, funding Enquiries for Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB)
- Authors: Why Publish in Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology
- Ethical Guidelines
- Clinical Trials submission
- International Clinical trial registry number Patient Informed Consent Form Approvals by ERC/IRB and FDA/or other national health authority...
- Good Manufacturing Practise GMP
- Good laboratory Practise GLP
- Animal Studies
Main link
Commercial Use:
The name, current and future logo and content of Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB) is protected worldwide under US Copyright Law, Bern Convention and Universal Copyright Convention. For fair use (<10 words), full citation of the source including a direct hyperlink must be included. Use of all or any part of this knol for commercial purposes or supporting any type of commercial activity requires a formal written license (not email) which can be requested directly from the author.
---> Please respect the IPR (Intellectual Propriety Rights) of author's. <---
Questions for discussion/debate
- Publish as a collection or Book form?
- Nomination of Editors
- Function and contribution of Editors
- Article submission
- Sharing of page views, adsense revenue, sponsorships, coauthors etc
- Responsibilities
- Review process
- Publication
- Archives
- Keyword search
- Logo or Home Page design
JTB Editors (Proposed and not yet contacted)
Editor in Chief
Editor USA or North America
Chief Editor Europe
Prof Salim Djelouat
Editor India
University of Delhi
Editor Asia Japan/China
Editor Middle East
Editor Africa
Editor Latin America
JTB Editorial Advisory Board
( University, UK)
Director from Industry
Director Biotech company:
JTB Web Designers/Experts Team:
The first multimedia platform journal for publication with integrated or soon to be integrated articles embedded with Ability to Integrate/Embed
Images | Document |
Picasa Web Albums slideshow | Presentation |
Video | Spreadsheet |
Google Calendar | Spreadsheet Form |
Thanks are due to Mr. Jean-Antoine de Mandato (PDP, Geneva) for providing office facilities and administrative support.
The email and website of the journal will be created ASAP. Do we need a web Page or stay in knol?. How to set up 5-10 gmail accounts for the journal?
If interested to join as sponsor, editor or contribute a paper as author, please add your comments at the knol?
Technical help for artistic, technical input, page layout, logo, web design, web hosting, site management suggestions invited from the knol community.
Our Model Knol Journal
The start of the PLoS Current as a moderated collection gives us the model to follow for JTB
PLoS Currents/Influenza:
JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association: | |
Canadian Medical Association Journal: | |
Nature Biotechnology: | |
Journal of Biotechnology | Elsevier |
Elsevier | Elsevier description |
Biotechnology Journal: | |
Sponsors, donation, funding Enquiries for Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology (JTB)
Please contact the Editor if interested as a sponsor of JBT.
To all funding agencies, foundations and publishers for initial funding and start up costs for a peer reviewed online biotechnology journal.
Benefits for SponsorsAdvertise your biotech drug brand as lecture slides, popular story, voice recording, pictures, musical, film or video? High visibility, high Page view
Display Ratestbd
Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology Editors :
Must be MD or PhD with minimum 5-10 years prior experience with clinical testing and therapeutic use of biotechnology derived medicines and tenured track faculty position. Academic, legal, regulatory, financial, venture capital, investors and industrial experts with experience in other aspects of biotechnology like production, scaleup, GMP, manufacture, QA, regulatory and marketing are welcome. Expert panel of editors from different regions of the world is required. A short CV with list of publications and email is required for nomination to the editorial board and will be posted in the journal. The editorial panel (>15) will elect Chairman, 3-5 regional Vice Chairs and additional 5-8 editors of the editorial advisory board. All editors must contribute at least 1 hour per working day to the journal and 1 article per year.
Authors: Why Publish in Journal of Therapeutic Biotechnology
- No page charges(Save 5000-10,000 $)No extra charges for colored Figures, photographs, artwork, audio or video input (saves 3000 $)
- Fast track status and priority review
- Fast peer reviewed publication by 3rd week of submission.
- A five star evaluation system
- Round the clock editorial review due to geographic location of editors.
- Open access to all articles
- Greater visibility and exposure
- Daily Page View, Comments and reviews measures Impact of your article and feedback from your audience
Priority publications supports your patents, brands and IPR
Author Declaration:
The declaration must be signed by all authors:
- That the submission is a new creative contribution.
- It has not been previously submitted to any other biomedical journal.
- It has not been rejected by other journals.
- The work is original and is not copied, old recycled or plagiarised material.
- All rules, regulations and guidelines were adhered to for the conduct of the studies.
- Integrity of the data was insured by the pricipal investigator.
- Conflict of interest statement.
- Contributions of all listed authors must be specified.
Proof of concept should be provided in simple and clear terms.
All submitted papers will be rated within 1-2 weeks from 1* to 5* and papers with 3* or more will be published in the journal. All articles rated 3* or more will be reviewed by 2-3 editors. All other papers can be published as knol.
Authors will have the right to challenge the star rating and can ask for evaluation by the Chairman or Vice Chair. Their opinion will be final.
Authors Resources
Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication.
Mulford Health Science Library Instructions to authors in the health sciences
Ethical Guidelines
World Medical Assembly Declaration of Helsinki
Clinical Trials submission
All clinical trials must comply with all applicable national and international laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. Sponsors and investigators must strive to attain highest scientific, technical, analytical, medical and ethical standards.All papers dealing with clinical trials must be accompanied by:
- International Clinical trial registry number
- Patient Informed Consent Form
- Approvals by ERC/IRB and FDA/or other national health authority
- Signed protocol + any amendments
- Payment range to investigators, labs, patients
- Patient recruitment advertisements
- Case report form
- Drop Outs/Discontinuations and serious adverse drug reactions
- Drug related laboratory changes
- Statistical methodology
- Start and end date of the trial
- Training of investigators or meetings and monitoring statement
For trials in low income countries
- Compliance with WHO ethical guidelines
- Provision for continued drug supply to all responding patients
- Statement that no bribes or undue payments were made.
Good Manufacturing Practise GMP
Good laboratory Practise GLP
Animal Studies
Writers Resources
- Knols Peter Baskerville: Peter Baskerville
- How to Write an Article Review - Basic
- How to Write an Article Review - Advanced
- How to write Knols that rank ‘Top 10’
- Knol Writing Tips
- Enhancing your Knol using HTML
Norman Creaney: Norman Creaney
- How to Write a Great CV (Resume)
- How to Write a Great Cover Letter
- How to Use the Harvard Style of Referencing
- How to Write a Great Report
- Tim Hill
Web Resources for Biomedical Writers
American Medical Writers Association: promotion of excellence in medical communication
Council of Science Editors: promotion of ethical practices in science
European Association of Science Editors: open to all
- European Medical Writers Association :
- Society for Scholarly Publishing:
- World Association of Medical Editors
Instructions to biomedical authors: Instructions and links to many journals
Online Writing Laboratory of Perdue University:
Online Dictionaries/Blogs
Directory of open access journals
Free Medical journals
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